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This section presents the communication and dissemination materials produced in the activities of project PulpIng.

Pulping research on News Medical Life Sciences (20/02/2023)

News Medical Life Sciences, one of the world’s leading open-access medical and life science hubs, have published an article entitled Pumpkin byproducts exhibit antioxidant and antimicrobial activity. This article was based on the peer-review paper by Leichtweis et al “Biological Activity of Pumpkin Byproducts: Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Properties” published in Molecules in 2022 https://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/27/23/8366

Consortium Meeting

Final consortium meeting

At 14:30h of the 25th of July 2024, took place, in Bragança the final PulpIng consortium meeting.

Participants: Lillian Barros, Tânia Pires, Adriana Molina, Maria Leichtweis, João Barreira (IPB) | Spyridon Petropoulos (UTH) | Riadh Ksouri, Hanen Falleh (CBBC) | Neji Tarchoun (ISA-CM) | Liza Saher (CRAPC) | Luma Rossi Ribeiro, Oliver Schluter (ATB) | Alexandre Gonçalves, Joana Pesqueira, Ermelinda Silva (MORE Colab) | Isabel Oliveira, Antonio Nunes (DECORGEL)

Technical Meeting of the Pulping project 28th of April 2023, Bragança, Portugal

Midterm Report Discussion Meeting (27/01/2023)

At 10:00h of the 27th of Janurary 2023, took place, via Zoom, the Midterm Report Discussion Meeting of the PulpIng project, addressing the PRIMA recommendations following the evaluation of the Midterm Report

Participants: Lillian Barros, Tânia Pires (IPB) | Spyridon Petropoulos (UTH) | Luís Pinto (MORE CoLAB) | Miguel Azevedo (DECORGEL) | Oliver Schlutter, Luma Rossi (ATB) | Mostafa Hanza (BU)

Second Annual Technical Meeting (19/10/2022)

At 10:00h of the 19th of October 2022, took place, via Zoom, the Second Annual Technical Meeting of the PulpIng project.

Participants: Lillian Barros, Carla Pereira, Sandrina Heleno, Tânia Pires, Adriana Molina, Maria Leichtweis (IPB) | Spyridon Petropoulos (UTH) | Neji Tarchoun (ISA-CM), Hanen Falleh (CBBC), Najla Mezghani (NGB-ISA-CM) Wassim Saadaoui (ISA-CM) | Luís Pinto (MORE CoLAB) | Miguel Azevedo (DECORGEL) | Oliver Schlutter, Luma Rossi, Eva Landgraber (ATB) | Mostafa Hanza (BU) | Borhane Ziani (CRAPC)

First Technical Meeting (11/10/2021)

At the 10:00h of the 11th of October 2021 took place, via Zoom, the First Technical Meeting of project PulpIng.

Participants: Lillian Barros, Márcio Carocho, Carla Pereira, Sandrina Heleno, Tânia Pires, Adriana Molina, Maria Leichtweis (IPB) | Spyridon Petropoulos (UTH) | Neji Tarchoun, Hanen Falleh (CBBC) | Alexandre Gonçalves, Luís Pinto, Marta Barbosa (MORE Colab) | Miguel Azevedo, Marta Almeida (DECORGEL) | Oliver Schlüter, Luma Ribeiro (ATB) | Borhane Ziani (CRAPC) | Mostafa Hamza (BU).

Digital evidence of the Zoom meeting

Conferences, Workshops and Seminars

International conference on Sustainable Foods – Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (ICSF)

On 24 and 25 of July, in Bragança, the final public seminar of the PulpIng project. The event called 𝗜𝗖𝗦𝗙 aimed to disseminate knowledge regarding innovative processes and the development of sustainable food products. It brought together researchers, industry professionals, and consumers to share innovative ideas in this field and to present results from their work on this area with a special focus on the sustainable food innovation in the Mediterranean and the development of sustainable vegetable pulps formulations. During these two days 135 persons of seven different countries participated on the conference. In total, 6 oral communications and 56 Panel Communications was presented, joined by 3 Keynotes and 2 Plenary lectures.

Agrothessaly in Larissa, Greece on March 9-12

University of Thessaly presented the scope of Pulping in Agrothessaly exhibition that took place in Larissa, Greece on March 9-12.

University of Thessaly hosted the participants of Erasmus Little Farmers project

Schoolchildren from Greece, Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria visited the experimental farm of the University of Thessaly in Velestino Greece, where they were familiarized with Pulping project.

Pulping project at the II PhD Pitch Day

1st Tunisian PulpIng program workshop

Workshop Tunisian PulpIng program workshop: Progress reports of Tunisian teams – Identification of problems to be solved, held in Tunisia on 4 February 2022, organized by CBBC.

Conference ValueFarm and PulpIng PRIMA projects held on 27 April 2023 in Bragança, organized by IPB

Workshop “Descubra o valor da abóbora por inteiro!” in the “Dia do Fascínio das Plantas” – held on 16 April 2024 in Bragança with participation of IPB.

Seminar National PulpIng Info-day- Accomplishment and future plan, held in Tunisia on 4 November 2023, organized by CBBC

National PulpIng Info-day 

PulpIng project – Accomplishment and future plants

Tunisian PulpIng program workshop

The second Tunisian workshop entitled “Progress reports of Tunisian teams – Accomplishments and future plans” took place on January 5th, organized by partner CBBC.

The work conducted on project PulpIng by Tunisian partners was presented and discussed.

Sustainable recovery of compounds with preserving capacity from pumpkin by-products

The sustainable recovery of compounds with preserving capacity from pumpkin by-products was investigated at CIMO-IPB, as expected in WP2. For that purpose, a primary study was carried out evaluating more than 100 samples of different pumpkin genotypes, including the seeds, fibers strands, and peels, in terms of their chemical composition and bioactivity. With these studies, it was possible to select the most promising extracts for food preservation. An extraction optimization study was, then, carried out comparing two different methodologies in order to reach the more effective extraction conditions.

Quality evaluation of raw materials

The identification of carotenoids in the pulp fruit of the Tunisian, Greek, and Egyptian pumpkin cultivars is the present emphasis of CRAPC research center after the characterization of carotenoids in the Algerian pumpkin varieties. The ongoing research is related with WP1 Task 1.4 (Quality evaluation of raw materials).
We initially extracted the carotenoids from the samples of the pumpkin cultivars before characterizing by NMR 400 MHz spectrometer in CDCl3 and then identified in accordance with the elution order at 450 nm, and quantified by HPLC/UV-vis system equipped with a C18 column and β-carotene as an external standard. Mobile phase A is composed of methanol/water plus 10 mM of ammonium acetate, and mobile phase B was gradient-mode-operated ethyl acetate/methyl butanol.

Oral communication 

XXVIII Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química (ENSPQ). Aveiro – Portugal (July, 2023)

The PulpIng Project participated in the XXVIII Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, in Aveiro, Portugal. Maria Gabriela Leichtweis (PhD student) presented the oral communication “Pumpkin peel phenolic extracts: optimized extraction and potential as food preservatives”.

XXII EuroFoodChem congress in Belgrade, Serbia (June, 2023)

The PulpIng Project was disseminated at the XXII EuroFoodChem congress in Belgrade, Serbia. Maria Gabriela Leichtweis (PhD student) presented the oral communication “Sustainable use of pumpkin: characterization of the pulp and valorization of by-products in obtaining preservative extracts”

Seminar “New advances from PRIMA projects for improving Mediterranean Agro-Food value chains” in Oeiras, Portugal

Last Friday (May 18th 2023), the seminar “New advances from PRIMA projects for improving Mediterranean Agro-Food value chains” took place in Oeiras, Lisbon, Portugal. This event was significant in establishing synergies between PRIMA projects and other stakeholders, with the presence of Project Officer Mohamed Wageih. CIMO researchers actively participated in the seminar, with Dr. Lillian Barros moderating the “Innovative Agro-Food business” session, and PhD student Maria Gabriela Leichtweis delivering an oral presentation titled “Developing a Sustainable and Functionalized Pumpkin Fruit Pulp Formulation Using Biobased Preservatives: The PulpIng Project.” More information about the seminar can be found at: https://aphorticultura.pt/eventos/PrimaMedAgroFood/index.htm

8th Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting (8PYCheM) on May 18th 2023, in Vila Real, Portugal

The PulpIng Project participated in the 8th Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting (8PYCheM) on May 18th in Vila Real, Portugal. CIMO researchers effectively shared the project’s findings. Dr. Lillian Barros delivered a keynote speech titled “From nature to products: natural food ingredients applications,” while PhD student Maria Gabriela Leichtweis presented an oral communication on “Evaluation of the phenolic profile and bioactive potential of Portuguese and Algerian pumpkin by-products.” The book of abstracts can be accessed at: https://shorturl.at/optGL

IV Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias. Santarém, Portugal. 03-04 November 2022

The PulpIng Project participated in the IV Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, in Santarém, Portugal. Maria Gabriela Leichtweis (PhD student) presented the oral communication “Subprodutos de abóbora como fonte de conservantes naturais para aplicação alimentar”.

XVI Encontro de química dos alimentos. Castelo Branco, Portugal. 23-26 October 2022

The PulpIng Project participated in the XVI Encontro de química dos alimentos, in Castelo Branco, Portugal. Maria Gabriela Leichtweis (PhD student) presented the oral communication “Pumpkin by-products as a source of preservative compounds for food application: valorization of industrial bioresidues towards a sustainable system”.

Chromatography helps in times of crisis, Webinar. Lisbon, Portugal. 17 December 2021

The PulpIng Project participated in the Chromatography helps in times of crisis, Webinar, in Lisbon, Portugal. Maria Gabriela Leichtweis (PhD student) presented the oral communication “Food industry by-products applied as pumpkin-based foodstuff preservatives”.

2nd Meeting of the Group of Portuguese Chemists Abroad of the Portuguese Chemical Society. Lisbon, Portugal. 10 June 2021

The PulpIng Project participated in the 2nd Meeting of the Group of Portuguese Chemists Abroad of the Portuguese Chemical Society. Lisbon, Portugal. 10 June 2021, in Lisbon, Portugal. Maria Gabriela Leichtweis (PhD student) presented the oral communication “Bioactive properties of bio-residues from food industry: pumpkin seeds, peels, and fibrous strands”.


Poster communication 

Poster communication in 37th EFFoST International Conference 2023in Valencia
International posters presentation in XXVI Encontro Galego Portugués de Química
Poster communication in XVI Food Chemistry Meeting
Poster communication presented at the 12th National Meeting of Chromatography
Poster communication in Dare2change 2023 in Porto, Portugal
International posters presentation in XXVI Encontro Galego Portugués de Química
Poster communication presented at Innovation in Mediterranean Traditional Foods: novel products and processes (IMTF)
2nd International congress on bioactive compounds (ICBC). 9-10 November 2022. Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
2nd International congress on bioactive compounds (ICBC). 9-10 November 2022. Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil

Preservation studies and quality assessment during shelf-life

Preparation of pumpkin pulp added with the natural ingredient extracted from pumpkin residues that will be processed by high pressure (HPP) to evaluate the shelf life extension.

Sensory analysis

Pulping Project Sensory analysis, the 19th of June, 2024.

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