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This section presents the reports and deliverables produced in project Pulping


Deliverable 1.1 – Report for the response of genotypes under abiotic stress conditions

D1.2. Identification of the best cultivars based on fruit characteristics and adaptability (organic and conventional system)

D1.3. Identification of seeds oils and biochemical analysis

D1.4 . Protocols for the best cultivation practices for pumpkin production

D1.5. Report for the chemical and nutritional quality of different pumpkin varieties

D1.6. Report for the genetic diversity at inter- and intra-populational level

D1.7. One publication in a peer-reviewed open access journal regarding the response of pumpkin genotypes under abiotic stress conditions

D1.8.One publication in a peer-reviewed open access journal regarding the agronomic performance and quality of pumpkin genotypes under sustainable farming systems

D1.9.One presentation in an international conference regarding the agronomic performance and quality of pumpkin genotypes under sustainable farming systems

Deliverable 2.1 – Reports of the most bioactive extract obtained from pumpkin by-products

Deliverable 2.2 – Report with the technical specifications of the preserving compounds developed

Deliverable 2.3 – Report with the most suitable extraction conditions for obtaining the preserving compounds from pumpkin by-products

Deliverable 2.4 – Report with the mathematical models (obtained by RSM) of the dependent variables used in the optimization of the extraction of the preserving compounds

Deliverable 2.5 – Evaluation of scaling-up processes

Deliverable 2.6 – Economic and technology analysis for the scaling-up processes

Deliverable 2.7 – One publication in a PROAJ regarding the identification and optimization results

Deliverable 2.8 – One presentation in an international conference regarding the identification and optimization results

D3.1.Report of the most suitable conditions for obtaining refined preserving compounds from pumpkin by-products

D3.2. Report about the potential toxicity of refined extracts/individual compounds

D3.3.Comparative efficiency of the stabilization techniques used

D3.4.Report of the most suitable stabilization technique used for the preserving compounds

D3.5.One publication in a peer-reviewed journal regarding the results for extraction and refinement methodologies

D4.1.Report on the best processing conditions to be applied in pumpkin fruit pulp production – confidencial

Deliverable 4.2 – Microbiological and enzymatic description of the fruit formulations against non-added control samples on the shelf-life period

D4.3.Report on the shelf-life stability and physicochemical properties of the developed pumpkin fruit pulp formulations

D4.4.Report about consumers’ preference of different pumpkin fruit pulp formulations

D4.5.Report of macro and micro nutrients of final pumpkin fruit formulation

D4.6.Report on the acceptability and quality of the developed products

D4.7.Description optimal composition of different pumpkin fruit pulp formulations

D4.8 One publication in a PROAJ reporting the development of a new pumpkin fruit pulp formulation

D5.1.Report on the microbiological and oxidative stability of developed pumpkin fruit pulp formulation

D5.2.Report on optimisation of nonthermal processing of pumpkin pulp

D5.3.Report on predictive shelf life of processed pulp

D5.4.Evaluation of shelf life pumpkin pulp under accelerated storage conditions

D5.5.Recommendations for packaging and storage conditions for improved quality and shelf

D5.6.One publication in a PROAJ on the safety and quality of pumpkin fruit pulp throughout its shelf-life

D6.1.Definition of the basis of the LCA to be used latter in the analysis of pumpkin exploitation

Deliverable 6.2 – Characterization of wastes and wastewaters generated from different processes

D6.3.Proposal of waste and wastewater management. Cost and sustainability analysis

D6.4.LCA of the different scenarios defined for the pumpkin exploitation

D6.5.Interpretation of the LCA and choice for the best scenarios.

D6.6. One publication in a PROAJ on the LCA of the overall process defined in PulpIng

D7.1.Draft of the Communication Plan

Deliverable 7.2 – PulpIng project website

D7.3.Draft of the Data Management Plan

D7.4.Final version of PulpIng Methodology Pack

D7.6.Plan for Exploitation and Dissemination of Results

D7.7.Final project report presented at the PulpInnovation Seminar

D7.8.Patent registration based in the compilation of all obtained results and information acquired in Tasks 1 to 6

D7.9.Delivery of a Plenary Lecture in an Internationally acclaimed Conference with all obtained results and information acquired in Tasks 1 to 6


Periodic report (12 Months)

Midterm Report (18 Months)

Periodic report (24 Months)

Periodic report (36 Months)

Final Report (48 Months)

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