Deliverable 1.1 – Report for the response of genotypes under abiotic stress conditions
D1.3. Identification of seeds oils and biochemical analysis
D1.4 . Protocols for the best cultivation practices for pumpkin production
D1.5. Report for the chemical and nutritional quality of different pumpkin varieties
D1.6. Report for the genetic diversity at inter- and intra-populational level
D1.9.One presentation in an international conference regarding the agronomic performance and quality of pumpkin genotypes under sustainable farming systems
Deliverable 2.1 – Reports of the most bioactive extract obtained from pumpkin by-products
Deliverable 2.2 – Report with the technical specifications of the preserving compounds developed
Deliverable 2.5 – Evaluation of scaling-up processes
Deliverable 2.6 – Economic and technology analysis for the scaling-up processes
Deliverable 2.7 – One publication in a PROAJ regarding the identification and optimization results
D3.2. Report about the potential toxicity of refined extracts/individual compounds
D3.3.Comparative efficiency of the stabilization techniques used
D3.4.Report of the most suitable stabilization technique used for the preserving compounds
D4.1.Report on the best processing conditions to be applied in pumpkin fruit pulp production – confidencial
D4.3.Report on the shelf-life stability and physicochemical properties of the developed pumpkin fruit pulp formulations
D4.4.Report about consumers’ preference of different pumpkin fruit pulp formulations
D4.5.Report of macro and micro nutrients of final pumpkin fruit formulation
D4.6.Report on the acceptability and quality of the developed products
D4.7.Description optimal composition of different pumpkin fruit pulp formulations
D4.8 One publication in a PROAJ reporting the development of a new pumpkin fruit pulp formulation